Thursday, November 11, 2010


I got to preach for our Wednesday night service last night.  I am going through a series right now that's focused around the History of Spiritual Formation.  After the first week, in which we redefined Spiritual Formation and showed that you can't be a judge of Spiritual Formation in others' lives, we moved on to ways of preparing our hearts for God to mold our hearts into what He wants this week.  

We looked back at Deuteronomy 16 and specifically talked about how God called the Israelites to Celebrate.  They were to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles.  And they were to celebrate every year, in order to pass these celebrations on to the generations to come.  God didn't want his people to forget about what God had done for them or how God is involved in their lives both through the good and the bad.  He was with them as they were slaves in Egypt, and He continued to be with them after He got them out of Egypt and they were wondering through the desert.  

After all my study about these celebrations, it really made me think about the Acts 2 church and how they got together daily.  And one of their reasons for getting together was to celebrate together as they added daily to their numbers.  They celebrated every day.

Why is it that we really only seem to celebrate the big stuff?  Why is it that we focus so much on Easter, Christmas, and Thanksgiving and leave out so many other chances to celebrate what God is doing in our lives, in our families, and in our relationships with friends?  

Today, I write all this because I want to celebrate my marriage.  Sure we have times where we disagree and we'd probably rather not be in a bad mood, but even in those times, we know that we love each other.  We know that we are going to be there for each other no matter what happens.  We are committed to God and committed to each other.  As we grow closer to God, we are going to continue to grow closer to each other, and one of the ways that we are going to do that is through celebrating our marriage!

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